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What is Zero Waste?

So you might be wondering... what is zero waste? Well to put it in simple terms, it's a goal for a person[s] to not send trash and waste to landfills, and oceans. Trash and waste are usually categorized together. Waste/Trash is often classified as something that has no intention to be used again. This is common in plastic products, food scraps, and the discarding of clothing.

Zero Waste is the idea that we can reduce our consumption of products and make purchases in a more sustainable way. In order to achieve this lifestyle one has to swap items that are commonly used once in exchange for items that can be used over and over again. These products are made of sustainable materials such as bamboo, stainless steel, cloth, glass, and so on. Using less plastic and making these changes helps to prevent pollution and future emissions of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.

Think about many plastic bags you use in one weekly grocery shop. Or how many plastic toothbrushes you've thrown into your trash throughout your lifetime. Imagine if you didn't have to use those items anymore. Guess what?! You don't. Well at least not the plastic options anyway. Throughout future posts on this blog I'll be sharing simple swaps I've made to avoid using plastic products.

Personally I am not a fan of the term: zero waste. It is literally impossible to make "zero" waste! We live in a day and age where consumerism is too prominent to avoid all together. Even the people who have been living this lifestyle struggle to make ZERO trash. So for future posts I'll be commonly using the term or phrase "reducing waste".

The thing is, I've only just started becoming more committed to this lifestyle. So I have a long way to go. I still create lots of trash and recycling regularly. This blog is to share my insight and progress as I learn more and make changes.

Thank you for joining me!

 - Kia


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Welcome to the blog!

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